
After a pretty monumental effort from Cadent they closed the lane on Saturday and connected the gas pipe, it was nearly 2 metres deep. So now we have a supply with a meter. Hopefully it gets connected to the boiler soon.


Cadent came to fit the gas pipe from the lane last Thursday. After an hour of half hearted furtling about in the lane they couldn’t wait to declare that they would need to dig the lane up and need to close the road. So potentially another 12/52 delay. I can see that I started the gas application 15/52 ago, how does it get to this point where they declare a road closure, the site has been surveyed by them often enough. They also say that they won’t be able to get the pipe through the duct despite them telling me what ducting to lay. The upshot of all this is that the underfloor heating screed can’t be dried out, the tiles can’t be laid, the kitchen can’t be installed and the bathroom bits fitted until the gas gets sorted. So t’was on the Monday morning when the gas man came to call….

A recent visitor, it was scary! Said to be a harmless Giant Wood Wasp
Inspecting the flat topped roof, I’m not spider man unlike the rest of them
Health and safety
Quill tied up for chasing shovels, wasps, rain drops, persistent requests to throw sticks and stealing timber